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"Biodiesel, the fuel of the future"

Biodiesel gives off less new carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, since the gases released during combustion are essentially the gases absorbed from the atmosphere whilst the plant growing, unlike the gases released by burning petrodiesel, which was carbon previously locked away.


Biodiesel is a better lubricant than petrodiesel, so it helps to extend the working life of engines.


Biodiesel gives fewer particulates when burnt, reducing risks from respiratory problems.


Since biodiesel is easier to ignite than petrodiesel, it gives more complete and efficient combustion.

Reasons to Love Biodiesel

Biodiesel is a great diesel alternative that can work in most current diesel engines. It is safe to the environment, contrary to the fossil fuels we use now. Some sold diesel has already been mixed with biodiesel. Biodiesel has many reasons to be loved as it can help lower pollution in the environment just by growing the crops needed to make this fuel. 

On this site you will learn many things, like that background on history on biodiesel, Innovators of biodiesel, biodiesel's ethical, legal, and social issues, and even how to make your own fuel at home from just cooking oil and other chemicals used to make biodiesel. 

Imagine turning this

into this.

All made possible because of the dicovery of biodiesel.

Biodiesel Production Estimates

Annual Production of Biodiesel

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